Sheltered Housing Fire Investigation Following Pensioner’s Death – Let’s Reduce the Risk Now

Please contact us to discuss the support options available including sheltered housing fire risk assessments.

Following the tragic death of a pensioner, Gloucestershire County Council are undertaking an investigation into how a fire happened in sheltered housing at Badger Vale Court in Podsmead.

Retirement home occupant Ray Bryce died in the fire at his one-bedroom bungalow on Wednesday 6th January.

An inquest into the death of Mr Bryce is anticipated to be opened today. At the time of writing this article, Gloucestershire Coroner reported that the cause of death is under under way and also a formal identification has not yet been carried out.

Let us use this accident as prompt to us all to take positive action in thinking about the dangers of fire and how we can reduce the risks of this type of extremely sad incident happening again.
– Chief Executive at Age UK Gloucestershire, Rob Fountain

Older people are more vulnerable and safety checks must be carried out

Chief Executive at Age UK Gloucestershire Rob Fountain explained that older people are more vulnerable.

Age UK Gloucestershire is encouraging all older people and the ones supporting them to perform safety checks inside the home and also plan escape routes.

Unfortunately statistics show that older people are more at risk from house fires.

Over 50’s are twice as likely and over 80’s more than three times as likely to suffer a fatality in a house fire.

Reduced mobility, difficulty in keeping up with housekeeping, memory loss and simply the fact that many older people live alone all contribute to this increased vulnerability.

Mr Bryce’s death is a fresh reminder of the need to consider fire safety in our thinking about keeping older people safe.
– Chief Executive at Age UK Gloucestershire, Rob Fountain

Our Support Services

DDS International are here to support you. We can carry out sheltered housing fire risk assessments and have a range of fire safety training available. Please contact us to discuss the options available.